New Tote Bag

Those weird things you can buy on the internet

I have a problem with branded tote bags that shops give you when you buy something. I don't like to do free advertising, so I can only use them at home. 

Last week I felt I needed a new tote bag for my knitting. The only reason  being that my current most demanding project, a jumper that I started before Christmas, has been taking up way too much space on my smaller tote bags. 

So I  started browsing and spent a good couple of hours one evening trying to search for the perfect bag, this one felt right for the job:

My new knitting bag

Since I knit to relax and chill in the evenings, I believe this theme suits me perfectly. I can take it anywhere and I am not advertising anything, other than the author's blog... I can live with that. I am so happy with my new bag!

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